2012년 5월 16일 수요일

Aging Society : cause & effect

Now, the world has turned into an Aging Society. There are a few reasons, and  Aging Society can cause any side effects.
First, Aging Society caused by a Low Birthrate and extension of lifespan. The changes in people's value had brought about the Low Birthrate. People tend to think self realization is more important than raising children. Also, the condition of society and workplace had brought about the Low Birthrate. Especially in Korea  people usually blame education costs. In addition, the smaller advantaged of raising children had brought about the Low Birthrate. Moreover, the development of medical technology had brought an extension of lifespan.
As time goes by, Aging Society usually turn into an Aged Society. This Aged Society means social structure of the population is totally collapsed. Aged Society can cause any side effects like growth of demand in Social Security and decrease in the production. Increase in the population of older people needs many new policies for them. Also, population structure which older people took a large propotion can bring decrease in the production because of the low labor.

댓글 2개:

  1. I'm wondering if you wrote all of this from your mind or if you copied some from an Internet source. Please don't copy anything from anywhere. I only want to see your original writing.

    1. Hi Trey~ I'm Choi Han Kyeul.
      I didn't copy from the internet T.T
      Actually, I learned it from high school and I related it to my major - economics -
      You could know that my paragraph is mine because of lack of grammar skill T.T
      In Korea, we learn this theme in high school's society class and I studied it an year more and my favorite class was the society class.
      So~ don't get me wrong T.T
