2012년 3월 18일 일요일


There are lots of dangers when we go to the beach.

Safety zone's got a blur boundary so we can be in danger.
When I was 9 years old, my brother and I were swimming on the beach. Suddenly, my brother lost his glasses and he asked me to find it together. I was so concentrated on finding so I couldn't realize I cross the safety line. Because the line was just few floating styrofoam. Fortunately, my brother found me and dragged me in to the safety zone. Like above, kids can be in danger.

If Tsunami comes, people on the beach could die or be hurt so seriously.
Recently, there are many earthquakes all over the world. It can cause Tsunami. If Tsunami comes, people on the beach could be first caualties. As movie Haeundae, they are hard to evacuate from the Tsunami.

There are many trash on the beach so we could be injured cause of them.A few years ago, my friends and I went to the beach together. My friend, Rosa trod pieces of broken glass. Fortunately, she weren't injured a lot. However, when we looked around more carefully, we realized there are a lot of sharp things around us. It could be more dangerous.

Going to the beach could be dangerous for these reason. So we have to be more careful when we go to the beach.

댓글 3개:

  1. Ahn Da som
    Oh beach is so dangerous place
    but i like soft sand on the beach

  2. I love that you included a picture! Your topic and concluding sentences are great. You also give good examples. You also use some great vocabulary. Well done!

    Here are a couple tips to improve your writing:
    1. "trash" is uncountable, so we say, "There is much trash." or "...a lot of trash...."

    2. Much of the writing you do for our class is formal writing, so avoid "cause" and use "because."

  3. Byun Young-eun
    You've had some dangerous moments on the beach.
    I've never had so I didn't think beach is dangerous, but after reading, I Think I should be careful on the beach.
